NCIS Star Michael Weatherly and Wife Bojana Used the “Popular-Name” Theme to Name Baby Liam and His Sister Olivia.

I wonder if Michael Weatherly and his wife Bojana read my article,”Naming Siblings,” about using themes to make sibling names compatible. They picked a top-10 name, Liam, for their brand-new baby boy–perhaps thinking it would be compatible with the top-10 name, Olivia, they used for Liam’s older sister.

Apparently they didn’t read my recent article, “Common Sense Tips”, which warned about the folly of picking top-10 names. Apart from being, well, “common,” the child may not enjoy sharing his name with other kids in his class. Sharing might make Liam wish he had a middle name. But the birth announcement I read in the Daily Republican News didn’t mention a middle name. That’s another mistake–as explained in my article about “Middle Naming.”

When Michael Weatherly was born, Michael was the #1 most popular boys’ name. You’d think he would have realized the danger of picking a popular name.  And because Bojana is such an uncommon name, she would have enjoyed my popular article, “Why Unique Names Can be a Hassle.” If I were a betting man, I’d bet Michael and Bojana didn’t read any articles about baby naming: they just followed the crowd, like lemmings, to the top-10 boys’ and girls’ lists.

Though not recommended, picking top-10 names is a lot better than following in the footsteps of Kim and Kanye by picking a name like Stormy, Cloudy, Snowy or Windy that might seem funny in combination with Weatherly. I wonder if they  were scared off that idea by my article “Boxer Laila Ali’s Smackdown of Kim and Kanye”?