British Reality TV Star Peter Andre and His Fiancee Finally Pick Amelia for Their Baby Girl

According to Samantha Carter of UK Celebrity News, “Peter Andre has got us waiting with anticipation on the edge of our seats.We never thought waiting for a baby name would be this nail-biting.” Apparently, reality TV star Peter Andre’s procrastination about picking a name for his baby girl had turned the British entertainment press into a bunch of angst-ridden, nail-biting neurotics as they waited for Andre and fiancée Emily MacDonagh to “MAKE UP YOUR MINDS, ALREADY!”

While entertainment writers were booking appointments for therapy and manicures, Andre and his fiancée were trying out names on their new-born daughter to see which one fit. They tried Elizabeth, Alexandra and Rose. And then they tried Amelia. And that’s when their baby girl smiled to let them know: “That’s the name I want.”

If Andre and Macdonagh had visited my “Cool Names for Girls” page on, they would have quickly discovered Amelia was the best choice and no therapy or manicure appointments for entertainment writers would have been necessary.